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HomeCalendarMike Kress/Paul Foster, (B+), Spring Tune-Up #4

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Only 3 Spot(s) Left
Mike Kress/Paul Foster, (B+), Spring Tune-Up #4

Date and Time

Saturday, May 20, 2023, 8:30 AM until 12:00 PM


New & Gay Municipal Lot
301 W Gay Street
West Chester, PA  19380

Ride Leader(s)

Mike Kress

Paul Foster


B+ 15-17 mph

Registration Info

Registration is required


10 Total Slots
3 Available Slot(s)

About this event

Updated Fri, 5/19 - NEW ROUTE, Rain will cancel by 7a.

B+, Spring Tune-Up #4, 48mi, 3,100ft

Been off the bike for a while? Been enjoying too much craft brew? I'm with ya - it's been my story for awhile.

For Spring 2023, I'm starting a series of rides (4 to 6 to ??) to help get us back in riding shape. Over the next several weeks, we'll ramp up from low B to B+ in effort level. Edit: Ok, you all are animals and already fit - we are at B+ already.

But there's more to it than just being in shape and riding faster. If you're really interested in riding as a group (and not just a group ride), this may be for you. Those who want to learn are 100% welcome; same for those who already know what I'm talking about; those who value personal mph maybe not so much. Edit: Yes, that means we will paceline wherever possible.

Fri, 5/19 Update: Ride #4 has been changed to account for the weather forecast - the original plan didn't provide many bailouts. Ride #4 is still designed to increase effort, but pacelining will be sporadic on these roads. We will still focus on working together. Expect a group pace near 16 mph.

Rest stop (Turkey Hill) at mile 28.

I will increase the # of available slots if the ride fills up and I have other riders registered who I know can help out.