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HomeCalendarB- Social Ride Charlot 30.3miles from Northbrook -- CANCELED

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B- Social Ride Charlot 30.3miles from Northbrook -- CANCELED

Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 10:00 AM until 12:45 PM
Northbrook Market
West Chester, PA  19382

Additional Info:
Ride Leader(s):
Charlot Barker
B- 13-15 mph
Registration is not Required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
Available Slots:
No Fee

B- (-ish) Northbrook Start & End, 30.3 miles 1,631ft in between!

We'll start at Northbrook like you did last week (I missed it)! This ride is shorter and lower elevation. We'll continue with our ?? plan of staying together, with nobody off the front or alone in the back, working as a group to stay together!